Scoliosis surgery
What is Scoliosis? The spinal column should be straight when either viewed from the front or back. With scoliosis, there is a side shift of the spine to the right or left. Approximately 10% of the population has small curves (less than ten degrees), which are not any consequence to function or health. This condition is called Spinal Asymmetry. In the diagnostic x-ray, the curve of the spine measures in degrees, as an angle known as Cobb angle. Scoliosis is a curve greater than ten degrees. It occurs within the thoracic and lumbar regions of the spine and may involve one or both of those regions. The most common curve pattern may be a right thoracic curve. They occur within the vertebral column when viewed from the side (laterally). Round back (kyphosis) exists within the thoracic spine & Swayback (lordosis) occurs within the cervical and lumbar regions . What causes scoliosis? Scoliosis can arise from several underlying conditions, but is generally idiopathic, means “cause un...