Brain tumor


Brain Tumor is one of the most serious forms of a tumor, it is a condition where the brain cells multiply abnormally . The brain is enclosed by the skull which is very rigid. The brain fits exactly into the skull, any growth in the brain can cause increased pressure inside the skull and the surrounding tissues. This can damage the surrounding brain tissue which can be life-threatening.

Causes for Brain tumors

There is no specific cause for brain tumors, a brain tumor is so variant that we cannot pinpoint one cause - It can run in families or it can occur spontaneously where no one in the family had, there are varieties of brain tumors. -It can start in any part of the brain or start somewhere else in the body and reach the brain through the blood. -There may be a genetic predisposition for certain tumors depending on how the gene is made up. -There are many syndromes (that is a group of diseases ) which manifest as tumors in the brain and nerves. -Tumors show up in different age groups from children to adults. The tumor type varies depending on the patient's age and where it occurs. -Some tumors are more common in males while some are more common in females. Different brain tumors present in distinct ways and in nature, Brain tumors have a variety of presentations with distinct specificities. Symptoms of Brain tumor

The signs and symptoms of a brain tumor usually vary based on the size of the tumor, its location, and the rate of growth. • Headache is a common symptom of brain tumor, not all headaches are due to a brain tumor, below are some of the types of headaches that may differ from the normal headaches which may be of concern and need an evaluation from a neurologist. -Headaches which are worse in the morning -Headache while you are sleeping -Increased headaches on coughing, sneezing, or during exercise - Infrequent, persistent headaches, alongside the feeling of increased pressure inside the head. -There could also be a new onset or change in the pattern of headaches

Some of the other symptoms are

• vomiting • Abrupt vision problems, blurring, double vision, and abnormal eye movement • Seizure even without any history of it and more in those who have a history of seizures • Loss of appetite • Difficulty in balance, swaying while walking • The weakness of limbs, lethargy or loss of sensation • Memory problem, confusion in routine things, behavioral changes • Rapidly enlarging head, in babies or toddlers • Changes in the ability to hear, taste, or smell • Dizziness or vertigo • Difficulty in writing and reading • Numbness or tingling on one side of the body • Decreased alertness, Change in mental functioning Types of brain tumors

Depending on the origin of the tumor they can be primary or secondary Brain tumors. Primary brain tumors are those that originate in the brain they can develop from - Brain cells - From the meninges (the membrane surrounding the brain) - Nerve cells - Glands Secondary brain tumors are those which start in any part of the body and spread to the brain, they are usually cancerous - Lung cancer - Breast cancer - Kidney cancer - Liver cancer etc How is a brain tumor diagnosed?

To begin with, a physical examination and a look at your medical history are done. The physical examination includes a detailed neurological examination. Your doctor will see if your cranial nerves (These are the nerves that originate in your brain) are intact by conducting a series of tests. Your doctor will look inside your eyes with an ophthalmoscope, to look directly into your eyes to see if there’s any swelling of the optic nerve. When pressure increases inside the skull, changes in the optic nerve can occur. The doctor may also evaluate your muscle strength, coordination, ability to do mathematical calculations, memory, etc Your doctor may order more tests after they finish the physical exam.

These could include: •CT scan of the head- C T Scans would detect any gross abnormalities in the brain and skull.

•MRI of the head- It generally provides much more detailed pictures of the structures of the brain itself. •Angiography- It allows your doctor to see what the blood supply of the tumors looks like •Skull X-rays- Brain tumors can cause breaks or fractures in the bones of the skull. •Biopsy-A small piece of the tumor is obtained and the biopsy will identify if the tumor cells are benign or malignant. It will also determine whether cancer originated in your brain or any other part of your body. If you are experiencing any of these symptoms, Early treatment can prevent complications. All Brain tumors may not require surgery. Sometimes the tumor may need only medication to treat it properly, some of the brain tumors may be life-threatening if left alone. Therefore, a brain tumor isn't something to be feared. Some of these can be easily removed and the patient can lead a normal life. Even in cases with malignant brain tumors, advanced treatment can help provide a better quality of life for patients.

Visit us at Neurosurgery if you’re worried about any symptoms you’re experiencing and for early detection of brain tumors.

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