
Showing posts from November, 2020

Endoscopic skull base surgery

Endoscopic skull base surgery is a minimally invasive technique of brain surgery, that enables surgeon access to inaccessible areas of the brain where certain types of tumors and abnormalities may develop. The skull is made of many bones and cartilages, the base of the skull is formed by bones of the eye socket, the roof of the nasal cavity, some sinuses, and the bones that surround the inner ear. The skull base is a complicated area with different blood vessels, openings of the spinal cord, and nerves. It allows for the removal of cancerous and non-cancerous tumors and abnormalities underside the brain, and the top of the spinal column as these areas are difficult to see and reach, without the need for a large incision in the skull; instead, tumors are removed through the mouth, nose, or a small opening above the eyebrow. Traditionally the tumors in the base of the skull were removed through the bony skull, which required large skull and facial incisions, bone flaps, and brain retract

Brain tumor

  Brain Tumor is one of the most serious forms of a tumor, it is a condition where the brain cells multiply abnormally . The brain is enclosed by the skull which is very rigid. The brain fits exactly into the skull, any growth in the brain can cause increased pressure inside the skull and the surrounding tissues. This can damage the surrounding brain tissue which can be life-threatening. Causes for Brain tumors There is no specific cause for brain tumors, a brain tumor is so variant that we cannot pinpoint one cause - It can run in families or it can occur spontaneously where no one in the family had, there are varieties of brain tumors. -It can start in any part of the brain or start somewhere else in the body and reach the brain through the blood. -There may be a genetic predisposition for certain tumors depending on how the gene is made up. -There are many syndromes (that is a group of diseases ) which manifest as tumors in the brain and nerves. -Tumors show up in different