Lumbar Disc Herniation-Symptoms, Causes, Treatment, Recovery and Exercises!!
Lumbar Disc Herniation-Symptoms, Causes, Treatment, Recovery and Exercises The vertebrae are the bony building blocks of the human spine. Between each of the parts of the vertebrae are the discs with ligaments situated around the spine and discs. The spinal has seven vertebrae within the neck (cervical vertebrae), 12 vertebrae within the mid-back (thoracic vertebrae), and five vertebrae within the low back (lumbar vertebrae). Within the mid-buttock, beneath the fifth vertebra, is that the sacrum, followed by the tailbone. The bony spine designed so that vertebrae “stacked” together can provide a movable support structure while also protecting the medulla spinals (nervous tissue that extends down the vertebral column from the brain) from injury. Each vertebra features a spinous process, a bony prominence behind the medulla spinals that shields the cord’s nervous tissue. The vertebrae even have a robust body ahead of the medulla spinals to supply a platform suitable for weight-bear...